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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 2 – Intimate Christ Unites- (658)

Intimate Christ Above Duality

The Intimate Christ comes to unite us. He is definitely above duality, that is above good an evil. He comes to us while we have many egos alive within our interior and He unites Himself with them so to dissolve them. He Master Samael says assumes the work of dissolving them.

He effectively accepts and assumes us as we are, with much karmic debt, with much errors committed in the past and many heavy egos. He therefore accepts and assumes the good and bad in us. He does not only take the good side but both sides, He is a uniting factor in us. In taking both sides He transforms the bad and the good to be free of both yet united with both. That is united in a higher octave.

Jesus was true to this principle, he was happy to help any sinner, he accepted many sinners that many people did not want to have anything to do with. The Christ is like that He does not distinguish, and His role is to accept both good and bad so to transform bad into experience and wisdom and good into conscious doing. That way we are free through His work of transformation. If we are already free with ego, karma and a good and bad side then the Christ has no role in us.

Unites Knowing and Being

This higher octave of being united in both, incorporates both the bad side and the good side. It incorporates the bad side in the sense of the wisdom of the bad side, but definitely not the conditioning and enslavement to the bad side and with regard to the good side it is the being or the doing of the good side but without the unconscious entrapment in it. So the Christ is the perfect union of the Being and the Knowing in us.

Note, the Intimate Christ unites in Himself the good and the bad, but this must be clear, to get to this unity, we must dissolve the ego and pay the related karmic debt, because if we don’t we only remain on one side of the defect, which is the bad side and the entrapment in it, and this also carries karmic debt with it. When we dissolve that ego, we have then the wisdom and experience of evil from that ego as well as the cause of that defect dissolved and so we are unite and are above both sides, we have the wisdom of the bad and the being or the doing of the good. But to get there we must dissolve the ego, otherwise we are not above both sides, we are actually stuck in the bad side.


In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.". 

This quote was taken from the parable of the lady who searched so diligently to find one silver coin among the many that she had. When she found it she was so delighted. This is how the Intimate Christ works in us, He is concerned with transforming and redeeming the soul.

End (658).

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