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Tuesday 29 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 18 – Qualities and Functions - (674)


The Intimate Christ and therefore the Christic principle has many unique qualities and characteristics as well as functions. This post describes only a few of them.

Qualities – Key Words

Here are some keywords which summarise the qualities and characteristics of eh Christic principle.
  • Justice
  • Pardon
  • Unity
  • Negotiation
  • Causes
  • Payment of Karma
  • Beyond good and evil

Really each characteristic deserves some explanation but I will have to leave that for a later time.

Symbols of

The Christic principle has been symbolised most commonly as a Lamb, a cross, a fish etc.

In dreams any beautiful and passive animal can symbolise the intimate Christ.

Not a Saint Rather – the Red Christ

The Intimate Christ is above good and evil and is not a saint as we commonly think a saint to be. The Intimate Christ as Master Samael says is very revolutionary. He works to free us in a way that is above good and evil, meaning both can be used with the aim of freedom from the clutches of the ego and the karma. He is not that weak and feminine looking either, He has his force, power and strength and logically has to use it to help us.

He is Transmutation

He is the personification of transmutation - because He regenerates. He is transmutation in action and is only brought to us by transmutation.

Transmutation is an action, that is used everywhere, physically in our body, in our psyche and within our very own esoteric constitution or structure. Whenever we transmute we are with aligned with the Christ. Remember how Jesus in the bible transformed the water into wine as one of his first prodigies.

He Heals and Clears the Temple

The bible relates so many actions of the Christic principle. All of the things Jesus did are what the Christic principle does and also what the Intimate Christ does within us.


We see how Jesus heals, because he is the prana that is life, he restores life and so our Intimate Christ is what heals our soul and restores our soul and inner nature back to health.

Clears the Temple

We also see how he clears the temple of merchants or in other words egos. Our Intimate Christ must to do the same within us clear our inner temple or inner psychological space from the being inhabited by the many egos.

He Dies and Resurrects

The Intimate Christ or Christic principle sacrifices itself so that there be life afterwards. Our Intimate Christ dies within us only to dissolve all of our egos and then resurrects because He is life itself.

The Christic principle always dies based upon sacrifice and later resurrects.

He Manages Our Sacrifice

He our Intimate Christ uses the value of our sacrifice and gathers the value of sacrifices carried out in the third factor and converts them into a force that is used to dissolve the ego. He manages the value of the sacrifices within us.

End (674).

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