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Tuesday 29 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 19 – Above and Below - (675)


One thing that makes complete sense but is a little unusual at first, is that the Christ embraces all including those that are below as well as those that are above.

We may think that He should only embrace those who are above, but no, He is not against those who are below.

Manages Both Forces

He manages the forces from below and lifts us to receive the forces from above. Our Intimate Christ can control those egos or forces that are in our abyss and He can instil in us yearning for the Being and the superior worlds.

Karma and Christ

The Christ always helps but within the Law. He bless all those who are about to descend to the abyss, but He knows that they must go there. None the less he blesses them, He gives them his love and his blessing.

Sometimes the Christ can pardon the Karma of someone but that is a very rare case. However the Christ it seems, besides the Absolute is the only one that can pardon the karma of someone.

Unity of Good an Evil

He redeems and transforms us. How marvellous is that. He has to redeem us and transform us and manage the law on our behalf. He has to pay the Law. The most amazing thing for us is that we can be transformed and pardoned. The Intimate Christ pardons us. Without Him we would be lost.

He is not only for the pure hearted. For the very pure for those who have never sinned. Manage the forces from below and yearn for the force above. He assumes our defects as one with him and as they are one with Him as he dies they must also die.

If we are murderers, fornicators, if we have done it once are we that forever. But that does not seem to be true. I remember what Master Samael said to his Divine Mother. But that was in the past, the past and the present and the future are all an eternal now. There is everything in the now. In the Absolute there is everything.

End (675).

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