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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 3 – The Path is for Him - (659)

Looking at the Path

When we look at all the events of the path we see really that the Intimate Christ is the main feature. We see that the beginning parts of the path, essentially the probationary path and the major path are to prepare for His coming and the Venustic initiations are to initiate Him (also to Christify the bodies) and the second mountain is for Him to work in us and to help us pay our karma and to help us to die and then with His death He vanquishes all the remaining egos. Then He resurrects and ascends taking us with Him to the Father.

A Preparation

We see that the minor path prepares us for the major path and the major path makes possible the incarnation of the Intimate Christ. This Master Samael says along with the awakening of the Kundalini is one of the path’s major events.

The first mountain is prepare the bodies and the consciousness for His coming or incarnation.


After the causal initiation and the start of the Venustic initiations He descends into us and begins His work taking us into the second mountain, and He as Hercules performs many prodgies and magnificent feats vanquishing the our infernal or egoic beasts.


In the second mountain he helps us pay our karma and helps us eliminating several tens or if not hundreds of egos and He then dies, taking with him to their death as well the many remaining egos.


At the end of the second mountain after the 8 years of Job, He resurrects within the master to stand again and to take us to the Father, into the labours of the third mountain and into the light.


The path is really for Him. He in some ways does the path in us for our Father.

End (659).

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