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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 5 – Immaculate Conception - (661)


As Master Samael taught us the Intimate Christ is first of all conceived, then born and then incarnated. Once He is incarnated he then grows, matures, works intensely. Later He dies and resurrects, all of this occurring within our very own depths.

The very interesting thing is, is that He first has to be conceived.

He Must First be Conceived

Master Samael says that the Third Logos by order of the First Logos, the Father who is in secret within us, fecundates the Divine Mother. He fecundates her with a ray of light, just as a beam of sunlight passes through a crystal vase.

That way the Divine Mother remains virgin and therefore gives rise to the immaculate conception.

Immaculate Conception

Master Samael says that the Divine Mother can become pregnant with the Intimate Christ many years before He is born and later incarnated. Her pregnancy can last for many earthly years, certainly not the expected nine earthly months before birth.

The Divine Mother can conceive the Christ child when the person is working in the minor mysteries. The one proviso is that the person be working in the Alchemy.

Obviously if this is the case for a person, that person would have to be showing a lot of promise to his or her own Divinity.


The Christ child begins His descent very early on in our path, by command of our Father. Without our Father’s consent nothing would happen.

End (661).

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