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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 6 – Birth - (662)


After being conceived the possibility for the intimate Christ to be born and later incarnate is very real. In fact if this was not the plan of the Being or the Father the Divine Mother would not have ever become pregnant with the Intimate Christ.

As One Progresses

As one progresses in the work, that is in the awakening and ascension of the kundalini in the bodies and through the corresponding initiations of the first mountain, the birth of the Intimate Christ draws nearer and nearer.

After the Fifth and the Direct Way

With the completion of the Fifth major initiation the person is presented with the choice at eh summit of the first mountain: the direct, dry way or the wet, spirally upward Nirvanic way. If the direct way is chosen, normally it is the person him or herself or the Being within one that choses, then the way for eh birth of the Christ is open.

Venustic Initiations

After the choice of the direct way, the door to the initiation of light or the Venustic initiations opens. These initiations are to raise the serpents of light , which serve to Christify each body and each initiation. Each previously won initiation is qualified by the Christ and the Intimate Christ is actually initiated. There are eight Venustic initiations actually. One for each of the seven bodies and one for the Christ all for Himself.

Birth Occurs in the Venustic Initiations

The birth of the Intimate Christ can occur anywhere in the Venustic Initiations, except for the 8th or last one. In the first, the third, the fifth is where it could occur. Even perhaps just before starting eh Venustic Initiations.


He, the Intimate Christ is born given certain conditions which are the choice of the direct way, which is to choose the path to the Father through sacrifice and service to humanity and the completion of the first mountain. The Father must also have first authorised His descent.

End (662).

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