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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Mercury of the Wise - (649)


The transmuted sexual energy has been called the mercury of the wise. Mind you, with very just reason. This post is dedicated to explain a little why the transmuted sexual energy or the transmuted raw mercury is called the mercury of the wise.

Normal and Infra Sexuality Don’t Lead Anywhere

We understand from normal sexuality and infra-sexuality that these types of sexuality lead to the dissatisfaction of something within us, and are only really about experiencing sensations and certain types of emotions that we don’t end up feeling in the way that we would like. We are always somehow left disappointed or disillusioned and the effect wears off very quickly leaving us in the same very familiar predicament (desire) once again.

In effect, normal and infra sexuality are about in their depths searching for the intimate wholeness, completeness and creativity that really only can be satisfied using the means of supra sexuality. Because when the sexual energy is not channelled we do not feel an intimacy within ourselves, that is an intimate connection that comes about via the sexual energy moving within us to higher and deeper places that activate and energise different vital and conscious centres. We also don’t feel whole or complete because the sexual energy does not get moved through us so to nourish us and fill us making us to feel complete or whole. IT instead when the sexual energy leaves us, we feel empty, tired and lacking.

Channel Inside

When we begin to channel our sexual energy within us, as a solution to the problem of normal and infra sexuality, and as a way to manage our sexuality and therefore make lust redundant in us we are becoming wise, and we can begin to reap the rewards of supra-sexuality which are numerous.

Transmutation is Wise

When we transmute we go beyond the seeking for sensation and emotion and we receive the same but on a much higher octave. But more than this we receive or rather fabricate the transmuted raw mercury that is used to nourish us, activate vitality and consciousness in us and free us (eventual awakening of Kundalini) and complete us or realise ourselves (create within us the bodies or renovate them).

This is really to be wise, and is much wiser than the normal and infra way of dealing with sexuality and sexual energy.


Transmuting and really understanding what we are doing makes us wise and corresponds to the wisdom of the initiates and hierophants of the path. When we transmute to make lust redundant we are entering into the world of the mercury of the wise. We can transmute mechanically, chanting HAM-SAH, IAO or doing the prana yama but if we do not know why we are doing it or if it is not a real need in us we are not really all that wise either.

End (649).

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