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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Why Drown the Monkey - (648)


From a previous post, we learn that the superman, that is the man with Atman incarnated has four enemies. The first enemy are the green flies, which are the subconscious links between human beings. The second enemy is the monkey that sits on the shoulders of the superman that has to be drowned in a river. The monkey is lust in general and the river is the channelled sexual energies, as all rivers flow along a channel.

A Tremendous Key

The key supplied along with naming the second enemy of the superman is really very important. It is only one sentence, yet it holds a tremendous key which really serves as a guide about how one should work on lust.

This second enemy of the superman, the monkey that sits on the shoulders is the ego or egos of lust and the way to finish off this enemy is to drown it in a river. The key words are: monkey (lust), drown (constant transmutation) and river (channelled sexual energy).

The Key is to Drown the Monkey

To undo the function of lust within ourselves we must flood or saturate ourselves with constant transmutation i.e. drown out our system with transmutation. That way we really out do lust, which tries to solve our sexuality by external means. By doing this we essentially give lust no function within us because we are by ourselves managing our sexuality and sexual energy. In effect we drown or out do lust using the channelled sexual energy (river).

Note, that it does not say burn the monkey, it says drown it. If it were to say burn that would mean to take to it with the fire of the Divine Mother, which we must do as well. We would be silly if we were not to do that.


When lust bothers us a lot we have to transmute like this (constant transmutation), the Alchemy practice at night for 15 or 20 minutes may not be enough, we have to transmute by ourselves outside of the Alchemy practice constantly, teaching and showing that essence trapped in lust that its wrong function is not needed because we are managing our sexuality and sexual energy by ourselves and we are in doing this experiencing a psychological and spiritual type of contentment and wholeness. The pleasure of the sexual and emotional centre that lust procures for us is also replaced with a psychological and spiritual type of joy. Please note, joy is different to pleasure.

End (648).

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