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Sunday 13 December 2015

Misc. 1 - The Work Takes Us to Remember the Past - (637)


The Work as it gets deeper begins to touch the subconscious and even the enter the subconscious.

The work on ourselves or the psychological work is ultimately a work of dredging and transforming the subconscious.

Example – Subconscious Undertones in Relationships

Say for example when we have a certain friendship where we feel always a kind of uneasiness, fear, resentment, distrust when nothing has ever happened to warrant these feelings, there then is definitely something in our subconscious projecting these deep thoughts which become all these feelings.

We may observe and inquire for many months and years even as to the origin of these feelings and one day during our inner searching we may get the feeling; "it is as if I have fought an awful fight with that person, or that person attacked or hurt me seriously in some way before or I have done that to that person". When we feel this, of course we can't prove it, but this is a very important moment because we are open to remembering the past, which is just the same as shedding light on our subconscious.

One day soon, the reliving or the reviving of that memory of relating with person in the past will come to us, in a dream, in a meditation or in a flash of insight, and those feelings will make a lot of sense.


So in conclusion the deep and serious work on ourselves leads us to the unveiling and transformation of the subconscious. We don't have to worry too much about past life practices. We just need to get worried about working deeply and seriously on ourselves, that is on the egos that we have.

End (637).

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