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Sunday 13 December 2015

Misc. 2 – Usefulness of the Mind in the Work - (638)


Our mind is conditioned which is good news, because it can later be changed or transformed to not be conditioned anymore.

Our Being and our Mind

The Being in many aspects needs that we use our mind. To write, to organize the teachings etc. is all the job of the mind.

The mind can not organize the consciousness because the consciousness is beyond it. But the consciousness needs that we have a clean mind, so that it express and help ourselves and others.

We Need Space in our Mind for the Being.

We need to create space in our mind for the Being to express.

We need many mini shocks inside of ourselves to move us forward.

We also need for the development of our Being, the esoteric way of thinking is to always look for the esoteric side of all things.


We also need the emotion in our work, and that comes from the sense of amazement.

End (638).

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