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Monday 7 December 2015

Retreat Post 19 – Inner Minerva - (611)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Inner Minerva

Our inner Minerva is the Goddess of wisdom and the Lady of justice within us. Our inner Minerva is a part of our Being that we all carry within.

How our Inner Minerva Helps Us

Our inner Minerva gives us wisdom and helps us by giving us insights to understand the teachings and she also imparts new teachings to us.

She gives us wisdom, which is knowledge plus comprehension. It is knowledge that goes to the intellect. This information can come as facts and as symbols.

She gives us though impartial knowledge. She also helps us to comprehend the doctrine. She perhaps does not give us knowledge related to personal issues or problems or knowledge related to the lives of others.

To understand the doctrine of Master Samuel we can rely on the help from Minerva. When our inner Minerva is more active we can comprehend the teachings much more.

She can help us to interpret the symbols that come from or are related to the doctrine.

Our inner Minerva teaches us what we needed to know at the right moment.

Master Samael and Minerva

Master Samael says our inner Minerva has knowledge about all things. Master Samael said that the parts of the Being all have their function and they wish to perfect themselves in their function.

The parts of the Being can present to us as an archetype in dreams, meditation or during deep reflection.

Master Samael once invoked the Goddess Minerva that the Romans knew, and what appeared was a triangle made of stone. Then in the middle of the triangle shone a blue light where the Goddess’ blue eyes shone and then She spoke saying "I am Minerva the goddess of wisdom, what do you want of me?".

Master Samuel said ''Wisdom". “What do you want it for” She asked and he replied “to help humanity".

What Master Samael understood from his experience with Minerva is that to acquire wisdom one must crystallise the three primary forces within oneself.

Minerva Amongst the Romans and the Greeks

Minerva was known as Minerva amongst the Romans and Minerva was known as Athena amongst the Greeks. She was the daughter of Zeus and emerged from the head of Zeus as a fully grown adult dressed in gold armour with a spear. She was also a very fierce warrior, almost like a Goddess of war.
She was portrayed to be very logical and practical as the goddess of justice to both the Greeks and Romans.


Our inner Minerva is above the conflicts of decision making and She is above right and wrong. She is the one who makes decisions based on ethics.

Moral judgements are very rigid and difficult work within, and they also change. Justice, lion, scale and sword are all related as well as an open book.

She can help us when confused about the do tune. She can dungy our thinking. When stuck in the mind she can help us to see the way out, especially when we can not get out of our moral judgements.

End (610).

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