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Monday 7 December 2015

Retreat Post 20 – No Sentimentalism in the Internal Worlds - (612)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

No Sentimentalism in the Internal Worlds.

In the abyss, at the Tribunal of Cosmic Justice and in the internal worlds there is no sentimentalism. There is only fair and perfect Justice.


There is only mathematics summing up what we have done and not done. This may seem tough and cruel but it is fair. One thing to know about sentimentalism is that tends not to be fair and usually is not fair in relation to others and to the person directly involved, that is the person receiving the sentimental benefit. The human world here on Earth is full of sentimental favours and sometimes that is not fair when by sentimentalism one gets benefit that others have worked harder and longer to achieve and they don’t get it because of sentimentalism.

Mathematical values are impersonal and can be applied to everyone. So they are fair.


There has to really be no sentimentalism in the internal worlds. That is not to say that there is no mercy. There is mercy amongst the judges of the Law, because one of the columns of the Law is mercy while the other is justice.

The main reason why there is no sentimentalism is because sentimentalism is not fair, it gives to others what does not pertain to their real efforts. It is also subjective and inaccurate.

End (611).

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