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Thursday 10 December 2015

Retreat Post 36 – When Action is Needed in the Work of Dissolution - (628)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

When Action is Needed in the Work of the Dissolution of the Ego

There is a well-defined point in the work of dissolving the ego. This point is as made clear to us when we have some understanding about the ego and even with that understanding we still don't make any progress in its dissolution.

Lack of Progress Symptom – Action Should have Been Taken

This lack of progress in the dissolution of that defect is due to not having taken action.

For example we may have lust and have understood what that lust is about and may even know the solution very well. Though, because the person does not apply the solution that person does not weaken lust and can fall into that lust sooner or later. However, if that person were to act or apply the solution the person would not end up falling into lust.

Final Comments

In this example with lust, the solution is transmutation and when one does not actually transmute or at least for some time breathe in deeply and consciously direct that energy to the brain one will stagnate and lean towards being taken or overcome by the lust that one is trying to dissolve.

When one succeeds in overcoming the lust that they are working on by exercising the sexuality of the Being, one starts to make their sexuality bit by bit and it's use objective, and free of conditioning.

End (628).

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