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Thursday 10 December 2015

Retreat Post 37 – A Little About Alchemy Practice - (629)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Alchemy Practice

According to master Samuel's instructions the first step in the practice of the Alchemy is to transmute.

Egyptian Prana Yama

One can even use the Egyptian prana yama minus the Ra position during the transmutation in the Alchemy.

Heat and Fire Sensations

Don't depend on the sensations of heat and fire as an indicator that one is doing well in the practice. Generally if one is doing the practice according to all the precepts one is doing well.


In the practice of Alchemy the cherubim is created which is formed at the beginning of the practice and is dissolved at the end of the practice. The cherubim is the Divine Mother and this cherubim assists the two people in the work of the dissolution of the ego.

Past Lives Practicing Alchemy

Master Samael says that when one goes to practice the Alchemy tin his life for the first time, one will see that one has practiced the Alchemy in the past. There will be a short experience that will indicate this to the person.

Physical, Magnetic and Esoteric Aspects

In the practice there is a physical, magnetic and esoteric or magic aspect to it. The magnetic and the magic aspect is never explored in normal sexuality. Well mostly not.

How to Practice

One in the practice of Alchemy, has to withdraw their attention from the sexual centre!!!

This is quite important. One should also make their mind quiet, or at least be able to not follow any of the thoughts that arise in the mind. One should also keep their emotions quiet. If one is concentrated on their inner Being and has the emotion of yearning that the practice benefits his and her inner Being then all should be fine.

Day Makes the Night

The day makes the night, meaning the Alchemy is practiced at night and the psychological state that is created during the day determines how the night will be.

Previous Experience Sexual Experience Advantage or Disadvantage?

We have two cases, one where a couple has been having sex before for a time and then there is the case of a couple who has never had sex before. When these two couples go to practice the Alchemy, they are both beginners. Though the couple who have had sex before have a slight advantage, however, they have not prayed during the act before, and they have may not have separated themselves from the senses and sensations before.

End (630).

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