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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Retreat Post 7 – Divided House - (599)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Divided House 2 against 3 and 3 against 2

We are a divided house when we awaken the Kundalini. We become with kundalini a house divided 2 against 3 and 3 against 2.

On the side of three we have ego, body and destiny. On the side of two we have the essence and the force from Mars.

Without kundalini we are a huge mixture of these 5 elements.

Please note you can find more about this in Master Samael’s book “Pistis Sophia Unveiled”.


That is really what we are until we awaken kundalini, a huge melting pot of all of these elements. We have the good mixed in with the bad and every mental process and action is a mixture of all of these five elements. For example, if we analyse much of what we say and do we will find personality, body of course, ego, destiny, and some essence and of course that force from Mars. If it were not for that force we would be as essences flat almost without force in our essence.

However, Kundalini divides these five elements and gives the person space from the ego and personality interfering or overlapping and overcoming his or her essence. Wonderful! The awakening of kundalini accelerates the work of dissolving the “I”.

End (599).

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