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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Retreat Post 8 – Defect and Virtue - (600)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Where was the Ego or Defect in Lemuria Before the Fall?

No one was lustful or proud or greedy etc. before the Kundabuffer.

This is because we need the concept of the virtue from the concept of a defect. As soon as duality appears and we see the defect we immediately see the virtue.

Our essence is one! The virtue and the defect are many fragments of the essence.



Understanding this we can see the ego and the free essence as all essence, only that the essence in the defect is conditioned, but it is still essence. One is conditioned and one is free from that conditioning. So what we call the ego is really only conditioning that has a psychological form, but also a material aspect, which we can only be seen in the internal worlds.

The conditioning of the essence is like a shell or a bottle that is made of atoms of mind, will etc. that maintain that condoning in place. The Divine Mother actually acts or works on that shell to break it apart with her sacred spear, which is really the sexual electricity Maser Samael explains.

End (600).

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