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Thursday 7 January 2016

Careful - Sexual Energy is the Power ‘To Be’ - (689)

Careful the Power ‘To Be’!

Within the sexual energy is the enormous power ‘to be’. Meaning that it can create, so we really have to be careful in using the sexual energy, this is because what we create with it may not be useful or convenient for us.

If we put that energy into thoughts we are giving those thoughts extra force to come true, that is ‘to be’. So infusing that energy into negative thoughts is not all good for us.

Sexual Energy and the Being

More and more bit by bit we can come to realise that the sexual energy is a power of the Being and like our Being it has the power ‘to be’. The sexual energy directed towards Him – our Being, completes Him that is realises Him and completes His inner creation, it helps Him ‘to be’ fully worked, completed and created. It adds many more octaves of consciousness and being to His presence.


In the end the very best thing that we can do with the sexual energy is to send it to our Being or to send it against the egos so that the inherent power of being in the sexual energy makes us ‘to be’ not the ego, or ‘not be’ the ego, and if we are not the ego we are the Being or the essence. That is what the second logos the Holy denying does, He denies the ego so ‘to be’ the Being, that is ‘to be’ one with the Holy Father in the Holy Trinity.

End (689).

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