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Thursday 7 January 2016

Karma is Round - (688)

Nearly Everything is Round

Karma and life and therefore nearly everything here in creation is round.

If karma were a line or our life were a line, we would ‘walk’ so to speak continuously forward without ever coming back around again to meet ourselves or our past, and so we would never reencounter our past and so we would never pay our karma from our past.

Everything, it appears, re-encounters itself again, completing a cycle. Nearly everything is round and circular or elliptical such as the planets and their orbits. There are the many cycles in nature and the cosmos.

Karma and dharma are paid out in a circle. Even transmutation is a circle where the Being in us is fed by His own energy that He supplies us. So many things operate in cycles and loops. Where would we be without the wheel?


Time is round, a clock is round, even creation itself on a grand scale is round. Creation begins and expands and later retracts and returns to its point of origin completing a circle or a cycle. The wheel of Samsara is round. The Law of Return is round as is the Law of Recurrence, and the Law of Recurrence is another name for the Law of Karma Master Samael says.

End (688).

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