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Wednesday 27 January 2016

Egos with ‘Self’ in their Name are to do with the Balance in the Relationship with Ourselves - (740)


The egos that have a self in their name, such as self-love, self-importance, self-esteem, self-worth, self-compassion, self-consideration, self-merit, etc. are all branches of pride.

Branches of Pride

They are branches of pride because pride is all about the sense of balance. Pride is in fact the part of the essence of our inner Real Being that is devoted to expressing the dignity and majesty of the Being as well as restoring balance.

Pride comes out particularly strongly whenever there is a relationship of some kind. This is because balance can only exist or only comes into play when there are two or more parties. Balance is not relevant when there is only one thing.

Relationship with Ourselves

As their name suggests, because they have a ‘self’ in their name they are all about the relationship with ourselves in a certain area. For example, with self-love it is about the love relationship with ourselves, for self-importance it is about the meaningfulness relationship with ourselves, for self-compassion it is about the compassion relationship that we have with ourselves, etc. etc. So in short all of these ‘self’ egos are about ourselves giving or receiving the qualities of love, importance, compassion, consideration etc. to ourselves or to our Real Being.

We can give these energies or flow of love, importance, compassion etc. to ourselves, which is the best way or we can receive them from others which is the way fraught with trouble.

Mid Post Summary

In summary, these egos of the ‘self’ in their name are to do with pride, because pride is to do with balance and these egos with ‘self’ in their name are to do with the balance in the relationship with ourselves.

Notice that when these egos are hurt their main concern is to restore balance, that is to get compensation so to restore the unbalance. If someone, hurts our self-love we take certain actions to coerce the person to love us or think highly, or at least well of us once again.

When the balance is broken that is when one of these egos gets hurt we must restore balance from within ourselves and by ourselves.

Out of Balance

We usually get totally out of balance in the relationships of love, importance, compassion etc. to ourselves. We usually just want to receive these values from others and we don’t want to give these values to ourselves. When we have such a huge imbalance inside of ourselves we are going to suffering all the time and wanting these values from others insatiably. That is when we have a huge self-love, self-importance, self-compassion problem.

Restoring Balance by Ourselves from Within

When we give these values to ourselves somehow something changes and these values become more objective, for example we may want unconditional love from another person, we may want them to love us no matter what we do. This is often and rightly so I think a little crazy for the other person to accept. However when say to ourselves I am going to now love myself unconditionally, that is love myself no matter what I do, we try then we think to ourselves “hold on a minute” that is not love, real love would have me change and improve I can’t be like that all my life!”. So when give these qualities to ourselves we make these values objective and then we know how to give love, importance, compassion to others correctly or consciously.

Giving love, importance, compassion etc. to ourselves is an action it is not done just thinking about it. It is done in exactly the same way as when we have a disagreement with someone and we feel very negatively toward that person afterwards. We then  in a natural effort to feel good about that person we start to remember all their good points, the good things they have done for us, the beautiful memories, the times when they showed us love etc. So we have to do exactly that for ourselves.

For love the key to find love for ourselves is to use all the instances when we have loved others and given to others This is the way, loving others becomes equivalent to loving ourselves in the right and proper way.

End (740).

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