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Thursday 28 January 2016

Lust Increases Fear Through Karma - (741)


The consequences of identification with lust are varied but one definite one is an increase in the strength of the general fear that we have, and this often goes unnoticed. This post is dedicated to explaining why.


Because lust causes one to make errors with something very fundamental, deep, innate and intrinsic within our physical, psychological and spiritual nature, and something is sexuality.

When we misuse that function of sexuality we affect that very intrinsic nature or force within us and the results of having that force affected within us has varied effects but the common one is a kind of disassociation from oneself in our three natures, physical, psychological and spiritual.

That disassociation is a kind of distance from ourselves, which most certainly includes our Being, and that disassociation is a kind of unbalance and of course to get back to balance we have to make some efforts or if we do not make those efforts voluntarily we incur and debt that will at some time be collected from us. In other words lust increases our karma and karma in turn increases our fear.

Lust is a trick, a trap that afterwards does not make us happy and that is more than enough proof that lust increases our karma, and an increase in karma brings fear.

Why Karma Causes Fear

We have fear from karma because we instinctively know that karmic debts will be collected at some time in the future. That unknown time is one cause of fear and the idea that paying the karmic debt will cause us pain is the other.

So because lust causes karmic debt we get a little more fearful because deep down and instinctively we know we have erred and that error will cost us. This principle applies to any other ego that generates karma.

End (741).

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