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Wednesday 20 January 2016

Introduction to Balance - (718)


Balance is considered to be the most important law. Certainly when things are out of balance problems, difficulties and even pain and suffering follow. At the root of so many conflicts lies unbalance - not only the conflicts among individuals, families, nations, but also the conflicts raging within the human being.

For happiness and harmony to reign, there must be balance, balance must be present for there to be happiness within oneself and amongst others.

If we look carefully we will see that all human actions are an act of compensation, human beings always act to restore balance, either knowingly or unknowingly. Often restoring that balance is to fulfil a need, and whenever there is a need there is a lacking which in itself is an unbalance or a mismatch.

To seek the balance in everything within us and outside of ourselves, brings the right results. That is, results that produce equanimity inside oneself and peace, fairness and harmony outside oneself.

There are elements within us that often break the balance and there are elements within us that can find and maintain the balance. The consciousness in the human being is the one who can find and maintain the balance within and without.

What is essential in the practical sense regarding balance, is to know what balance really is, how it can be found and how it can be maintained. The hard part is to find it. Usually it is found by becoming unbalanced and then correcting that imbalance.

End (718).

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