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Wednesday 20 January 2016

Self-Importance Post 1- (717)

What is it About?

Self-importance is about meaning. That is, it is about us meaning something to others or being important to others. Occupying some importance or meaning in their lives or in their mind and hearts.
It is also a lot about being first to them which is the part that makes us to suffer the most with this ego.

Self-importance the true self-importance is about what the Being means to us and about what we mean to ourselves.

Because we are Asleep

Because we are asleep or not awake to our interior reality we search for meaning in others and we seek to mean something to others. This is ratified by the observation that we usually don’t mean much to ourselves and certainly our Being does not mean much to us either. It is quite common that people think of themselves as stupid, silly, clumsy etc. etc.

The real self-importance is us finding meaning in our life, in our Being and our very own selves meaning something to us.

More to Come…

I hope to post more on this topic, so standby.

End (717).

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