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Wednesday 13 January 2016

Lust Affects our Relationship with the Divine Mother - (701)

A Future

There are some egos within us that when we work on them everything improves. Even a future appears before us.

On the other hand strengthening the same egos degrades way too many things within us and makes our future dull, faded and even difficult to envisage.

Effects of Identification

When getting identified with lust much within us gets affected. The greater, i.e. the longer and more intense the identification the worse the effects are.

There are many effects in the human or physical, psychological and esoteric fields.


In the physical one feels washed out, all the senses and centres are dim, that is they are low in energy, concentration is difficult, distraction is high, laziness and apathy increases, there a sense of disconnection with anything spiritual and ethical.


Within the psychological there is a sadness within related to one’s lack of will, continuity of purpose, the darkness of contradiction expands, a negative view of oneself develops. One’s value of oneself decreases. One is prone to self-neglect and even to believe that one does not deserve certain rewards or benefits that come as a consequence of our good works. One becomes pessimistic etc., and of course lust is strengthened in oneself and the thoughts appear, “well I’m down now, why not stay down for a while”. Anxiety increases as one feels to be on a lower standing than others. One feels lament and envy at others who are doing well and apparently do not have a problem with lust, and it goes on and on.


One feels ashamed before one’s Divinity and one feels distant and that one must wait or undergo a period of waiting whereby the effects of that identification will wear off and allow one to again approach the inner Divinity anew.

Effect to do with the Divine Mother

Now the central point of this post, is that lust never leaves one in good hands. It makes one to see the Divine Mother in a skewed light, it alters the way we see her. We can not see her as she is, we see her with impure eyes. This applies more to men, but can also apply in a lesser way to women.

For women lust may affect the perception of the Father but in relation to the Divine Mother it may make a women feel incompatible for a while with the Divine Mother.

Also one feels far from her, almost like bounced out from her radiance or love, it is like we lose acquaintance with her.

End (701).

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