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Wednesday 13 January 2016

Does the Being Make Mistakes? - (702)

Of Course

Of course the Being makes mistakes, that is why we are here and that is why the Being has Katancy and that is why the Intimate Christ has to come to us, even being pure and immaculate he has to assume our defects, struggle against them, pay the karmic debts and then die so that those defects die.

Why must a part of the Being have to do this if the Being has not made mistakes?

A Challenge to our Concepts about the Being

Such statements really challenge our way of thinking, because we commonly think that the Being is up there all perfect and all knowing. Yet this seems to be untrue, because if the Being were like that we would not be here and He certainly wold not have karma or katancy and he would not need to send His son – our Intimate Christ to redeem Himself.


So it seems that our Being has much to learn yet and much to correct. We give him that learning with the dissolution of our defects and we pay those debts with the dissolution of the defects and with the second and third factors.

End (702).

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