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Monday 11 January 2016

Moon as our Remote Origin - (694)


As strange as this may seem from the current human scientific point of view, esotericism, especially that as studied in Gnosis states that our remote origin is in the moon.

Moon – Mother of the Earth

It is said in Gnosis that the moon is the mother of the Earth, and that our Earth inherited the soul or vital body of the Moon, meaning, that the inherent values of the Moon are now incorporated in the Earth. These values include the karma of the Moon. So in effect, the Earth, which also includes us-humanity is in the process of moving through karmic processes left over from the Moon.

Leftover Karmic Debts

The Gnostic teachings or doctrine state that the Karmic debts or accounts were not cancelled over the duration of the life of the Moon. The karma of the Moon was created by human beings living on the surface of the ancient Earth-Moon.

We actually have this Karma from the times of the life of the Moon in us, that is in our psychology. The ego that we have was originated or rather was created by the action of lunar forces working inside our psychological structure. This statement comes from the lecture on the origin of the ‘I’. Where humanity back in the times of Lemuria was given the Kundabuffer organ which was entirely lunar in nature, that is, it was of the same or very similar nature as the vibrations and emanations to that of the Moon.


This physical organ, the Kundabuffer organ, was later removed from the ancient Earth Lemurians of humanity, though the consequences of having that organ within us was that this organ affected our psyche and started off the creation of the ego.

Lunar Ego

So the ego that we have is lunar in nature and comes from the Moon. The ego is certainly lunar in nature and in its characteristics and properties.

So then we have the nature of the Moon within us here and now and in a very intimate way. When we create the psychological moon or a permanent centre of gravity within us we have worked considerably on ourselves and have overcome in a large way (not completely though) this lunar nature and this lunar karma that we have inherited.

When we dissolve the ego and pay all our human karma we have vanquished or surpassed totally our lunar inheritance.


We have to go for the work of creating the psychological Moon within us. That is really to make our essence or consciousness to be permanent in us even though we have the ego, or the many egos.

End (694).

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