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Monday 11 January 2016

Spirit and Matter - (695)


There are these two apparent opposites: matter and spirit. There are those that are for matter and then there are those who are for the spirit. Obviously one side denounces the other side and both sides remain as extremes, and we know very well that the truth or the complete perspective lies in the third option which is the combination of the two extremes.

Spirit Descends

The spirit always aspires to descend into creation and therefore matter. That is what we are working for here in Gnosis, is to make our own Spirit descend into us here and now in the physical world.

Matter Ascends

Our work is to make our matter to ascend. When we transmute we are doing exactly that. We transform our raw sexual energy and send it upwards towards our Being residing in our inner heavens.

In the end we need both matter and spirit. If there no matter, the Spirit could not express itself, learn, perfect itself, see itself etc. and if there were no spirit there would be nothing to animate matter. There would be without Spirit nothing to give meaning, form, purpose and life to matter.


Matter comes to be the instrument of the spirit. Matter is there to balance the spirit otherwise the masters, the angels, the Gods would disappear, or evaporate. Even God Master Samael says needs matter, to manifest and express Himself.

The cross is the symbol of the balance between spirit and matter.

End (695).

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