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Wednesday 13 January 2016

Once a Sinner, always a Sinner? - (703)

True and not True

Somehow true and somehow not true. Master Samuel once he recounts, had a conversation with his Divine Mother. She told him "you left me for other women". He replied "that was in the past my mother". She then replied" the past, the present and the future form the eternal new".

This is quite a puzzle. However, we know that master rose to eliminate all of his egos and certainly no womanizer or adulterer can enter and pass though the initiations. So the statement in the title of this post is true and not true.

When Clear

When we pay the karma for our errors and we eliminate the causes of those errors we can then live a life without danger of ever committing that crime again and we no longer have that characteristic within us, we are no longer a sinner and the possibility of sinning is gone so we are really redeemed or clear and our present and future as a non-sinner is secure.

Intimate Christ

Our intimate Christ transforms us and redeems us, which is to take us back to where we once were. He pays our debts and transforms us taking us back to our Being. Thank god for that we would have no chance. He takes us back to what we once were, free and pure.

He though has all the wisdom from below and above. He works combining the two. We are then when good and evil in twine everything what we were in the past and what we are now. If we don't change we remain as only one - the criminal. When we change we are both, that is the unity once again'. The redeemed unity. The Intimate comes to unite us.

Ending Point

A really terrific book to learn about eh Intimate Christ is the book written by Master Samael titled “The Pistis Sophia Unveiled”. This book reveals much information about the Intimate Christ.

End (703).

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