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Monday 11 January 2016

Why Run when the Gymnasium will be the Same - (696)


Many times when we find it really difficult to deal with an ego or things become too difficult we think of running, that is escaping to another city, country or town, anywhere but where we are.

Usually with people when they express an idea or an intention of moving, it is a sure sign that they are not coping too well.

We think of moving to another city, another country in the hope that it will relieve the difficulty that we are feeling right now.

There are even people that are constantly on the move, spending only one or two years in a city and in a country and then off again. Really in the end such people are only running from themselves.

Chronic Drapetomania

Many people can become addicted to running away and even there is a condition called drapetomania which is defined as an overwhelming urge to run away. This term was coined in the slavery day of early America, where some slaves (rightfully so I think) developed a continual urge to run away, and in fact they did time and time again.

In the Psychological Sense

Anyway we may not be drapetomaniacs in the physical sense but we can be drapetomaniacs in the psychological sense where we run away from facing our thoughts, or moreover the ego that generates those thoughts.

Trust in our Inner Divinity

Trusting in our inner Divinity, in particular trusting that our inner Divinity can give us the force and wisdom to understand and overcome these thoughts and emotions, helps one tremendously.

Conclusion - Solution

The truth is that wherever we go will carry the problems, difficulties and suffering within and it is only a matter of time before it comes out again as it did before and we will want to move again.

We can move and we will feel good, free, no problems, no difficulties, the exciting sense of adventure, discovery of the new, but eventually what we have inside will come up and it will call or create the same type of psychological gymnasium or drama that we escaped from before.

The best really conclusion we can come to, is to face it and get rid of it now where we are and then it is gone forever. Psychological work on ourselves solves everything.

End (696).

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