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Wednesday 17 February 2016

Balance and the Law - (787)


Here are some notes from a talk about balance that my marvellous missionary gave to a group this early week. Note, they are not my words but his!

Some Principles

Balance is to give everything the right proportion. It is also to put everything in the right place.

Karma as we normally understand it, is the negative consequence of being out of balance. We disrupt our balance when we don't give things the right proportion or amount, that is too less or too much. We also disrupt the balance when we take things out of their original and proper place.

Relationships and Point of Reference

Balance is always about relationships and essentially comes into existence as soon as we relate to something. Balance is always between two aspects always!

It is about a point of reference. The three points of reference are the work, the path and the Being. If we relate correctly to these three points of reference we will be able to keep our balance.

We can keep ourselves spiritually balanced when we use the work, the path and the Being as a reference point for our balance.

Balance is present when we answer an event at life with the right centre or brain. If the nature of the event is something emotional we can answer with positive emotion. We all know that with positive emotion we can do a lot of good.

When we are in an event that has lots of negative impressions in it, we should use the positive emotions and the intellect to answer that event. This will help compensate for the imbalance inside of ourselves that the negative impressions produced within us.

All the problems we have, are to do with a lack of balance, either inside of ourselves or outside of ourselves. For example, when a person steals or cheats or uses another there is a lack of balance and that will bring problems.

When we are out of balance in our body our health suffers.

To be balanced we have to relate well to the environment, the body and the consciousness.

In Balance

To be out of balance is also to dream. When we are out of reality we also dream and we are out of balance. When we connect to reality we are in balance!

The misperception of reality is the origin of karma. The ego really is the misperception of the truths present in life, nature and the cosmos. The ego misreads the true nature of things. The ego mistakes or miss takes or takes wrongly the reality that is presented to us!

When we miss take something or take something wrongly we fall into karma! The ego acts in interest of its own rights but does not ask or think about the rights of others. This is antoher cause of imbalance.


If we give everything the right portion.

This means in all the senses, outside of ourselves and inside of ourselves. For example when we give the words of others the wrong proportion we get overly identified consequently we end up suffering.

Giving everything the right portion and balance will follow and if balance is present there is happiness, contentment, harmony and fairness.

End (787).

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