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Tuesday 16 February 2016

Materialism is More than having Many Things - (786)

Not Only About Possessions

Materialism is certainly not only just about wanting and liking to have a lot of material objects.
It is really a way of thinking, which makes us to feel one then at. Materialism is really about how a person thinks.

The materialistic person thinks in matter and only about matter. The materialistic person sees life only in terms of matter. That is everyone and everything is only a block of inanimate matter or material to such a person.

The materialistic person answers the questions of life, or finds explanation for the events of life in matter. That is why scientists can be very materialistic because they only look for explanations in the interactions of matter. The interesting thing is that such a scientist could have a very humble abode with a small number of things, perhaps just as much as would a monk.

Only Matter

Materialism only believes in matter and in doing so denies the spirit, the spiritual, the esoteric, the occult etc. The materialistic people still believe, however they believe in matter and on top of this they are very intellectual. They have to be, because the only way to find answers to the questions of life is by using the mind to analyse the way matter interacts with other bodies of matter. Of course though there are so many things that they can not explain being limited to using the mind instead of the consciousness and seeing the physical reality of things, instead of the psychological and esoteric realities.

Intellectualism and materialism tend to go hand in hand.


In conclusion we can be very materialistic and have very few things and perhaps not even have a penny to our name. Materialism is all in our mind, rather in our way of thinking. We could on the other hand have many things and lots of money and be spiritual.

We need a balance between matter and the spirit. If we fall into the materialistic side of things we come to ignore the spiritual and lead a meaningless life, and if we fall only into the spiritual side of things our life becomes very disorganised and troublesome, so as always need a balance.

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx and communism did humanity a great disservice when he introduced the "materialistic dialectic'' as Master Samael says. This was a movement or a philosophy of life based totally in seeing life and everyone and everything essentially as blocks of matter. Which is highly unbalanced and it created many problems as we all know well looking at what happened in the communistic countries.

The fact is that now those countries that were under a communistic regime have now abandoned communism because it failed, because the human being has three realities and therefore three needs and communism only took care of one type of need, it failed in nourishing all the needs of the human being. Capitalism is not perhaps the fairest system but it gives people the freedom to at least in the way that they can nourish themselves in all three types of needs, that is physical , psychological and spiritual needs.

End (786).

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