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Monday 29 February 2016

Concepts Wrong from the Senses Means A Lot is Wrong! - (809)


In a talk that Master Samael gave that was coincidentally recorded and is quite readily available, Master Samael among many other things talks briefly about the senses and concepts and how the concepts that we have are inherently or intrinsically wrong.

What I am going to do in this post is just explain in my own words what Master Samael said. I’ll try to use the same words as he used as much as I can remember.

When we Grow Up the Sensual Mind Develops

Master Samael said in that talk that when a child grows, the child’s senses begin to develop and so the sensual mind then begins to develop as well. As the sensual mind begins to develop it begins to develop the capacity to create concepts.

Sensual or Sensory Mind Creates Concepts

The concepts that the sensual mind creates are based on the senses that is based on the data that the sensual mind gleams or interprets from the senses. In effect, the contents of the newly created concepts are data from the senses.

Senses are Imperfect

Now as the senses are imperfect and subjective the concepts that are created are also imperfect or incorrect and subjective. As the number of concepts grows our mind begins to fill with wrong concepts and so we begin to give the wrong answers to life and take things in life wrongly, all because we take things in life with our concepts.

The senses are imperfect, because they are organic and also more because they are incomplete. Take this example, which happens so many times to us, we may see a person putting a few notes into his pocket after having walked past the money tin. We then using this visual data come to a conclusion that he took that money from the tin. But is this true? It may not be, that is plausible isn’t it? So the senses provide some information on a certain level, but not a complete set of information. So as a device or apparatus of perception they are not perfect or complete. They are quite limited in actual fact.

Concepts Create Perceptions

Once we have concepts we then create perceptions. In other words we perceive the events of life in accordance with our concepts. As the concepts we create are wrong our perceptions then are wrong.

Every Ego is a Concept and a Perception

Every ego has at its base a concept and the ego is no more than an answer to the events of life.

Every ego also has its perceptions. The perceiving part of the ego makes us quite mediocre and stupid at times, anyway besides that, it seems that a very big part of eh ego is its perceptions and that is how it reacts to life, based on its perceptions. So also at the base of the ego are wrong perceptions just as there are wrong concepts.


So that is how we develop a psychology that is off skew. Furthermore the more concepts that we have the more ignorant we are and the more fragmented we are and the more we lack the truth. This is all because we use concepts as a substitution for the truth. The consciousness on the other hand just knows outside of any concept.

If we can find or localise the concepts and perceptions of the ego that we are working on we can do quite a bit of transformation on ourselves and also a good bit of dissolution of that ego.

Go for the concepts and that will change perceptions! Work on the concepts using the truth, find the truth and then dissolve the concept. A lot of the work of dissolution is about finding the truth and then that truth dissolves all the untrue latent in the concepts and in the other elements of the ego.

End (809).

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