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Monday 29 February 2016

The Sexual Centre is a Centre of Gravitation - (808)


Master Samael said in one of his talks that the sexual centre is a centre of gravitation. Which is at first, quite a strange statement and invites one to reflection.

What Does this Mean?

It means actually that the sexual centre is unlike any other centre in that it has some very different properties than the other centres.
It essentially means that the sexual centre has the power or special characteristic to become a centre where things, events, circumstances, people revolve around it. It has the power to draw things into it and to it. The other centres of the human machine such as the emotional, intellectual, motor and instinctive centres don’t do this.


Master Samael says that many social events revolve around sex or have their centre of gravity in sex.

This may be taken wrongly, in the sense that people reading these lines may think that the sexual act is involved or that there is the hope or expectation or thoughts of the sexual act. I am pretty sure Master Samael did not mean this, I think that it essentially means that everything comes from the sexual energy or the energy of life and because of this at the very base of all things there is this sexual energy. So if there was no sexual energy there would be no events, no people and no creation.

The tendency that people have is as soon as the word sex is mentioned they think of the sexual act, but sex is much more than this and very much more wider. It is base of everything.
End (808).

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