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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Gnosis in Norway? - (799)

Apparently Not

Apparently Gnosis has not made its way to Norway yet. Which is a shame.
It seems that a very large portion of the population speak English in Norway and Gnosis is quite well developed in the English language, so there would be a bundle of material available to start with.

Gnosis in Scandinavia

It is always a question as to how a new country will take to Gnosis. Norway being part of Scandinavia, I wonder how the Scandinavian mindset or personality would take to Gnosis.

Scandinavian People and Gnosis

The Scandinavian people are known to be a little cold in their nature, however this means that Gnosis would or could grow slowly (not like a raging fire) but what is more relevant is that the people are mature enough to recognise the need for such a knowledge and I think that they are. There is a high level of being in Scandinavia and certainly the sexual mysteries could help them a lot, because perhaps they are becoming aware of the negative effects on society of sexual degeneration, because it seems that Iceland has banned pornography on a national level.

Gnostic School Searches

I have done some quick searches and there seems to not be any Gnostic school in Norway at the moment.

Gnostic Schools in Norway

If you know of any feel free to drop me a line.
End (799).


  1. Hi, I live and come from Norway and have been looking for the same thing. Daily I have thought about establishing some sort of community in Bergen. Which city do you live in?

  2. Hi, thanks for your comment.

    I appreciate it a lot.

    Currently I live in Perth Western Australia. However, we could perhaps have a Skype conversation one day to to talk about Gnosis. Perhaps a Skype group for a short while could be established until the need for the presence of a physical instructor arises. You can contact me using: if you prefer.

    Thanks and regards,

  3. Hey, thanks, that would be great! I would really enjoy that:)I will add you on my skype.

  4. Hi Fredrik,

    Would you be able to send an email to So that we can communicate a lot quicker. Me and my missionary are interested in contacting you and helping with the idea of starting a Gnostic group up in Norway. Once we communicate by email we can set up a Skype talk.

    Also have you been receiving my emails when I reply to your comments?

