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Tuesday 23 February 2016

When we Ask and Get No Answer - (800)

Pray and No Answer

Sometimes we pray for an answer and we get some sort of guidance or warning or indication of what to do, but then are times when we pray and pray and we don’t seem to get any answer. I’m sure that most of us have passed through this experience.


It could be that the answer or guidance that we want has to come from within us, or in other words it has to be the human part (us) that decides as we will bear most of the consequences of the decision.
When we receive no answer, instead only a very quiet and peaceful feeling when we ask, then it is because it is up to us, and that it is us that must decide.
This is hard sometimes, because we would rather not go through the hardship of making that decision and would rather receive a clear order from someone else or even better the Being or the masters. But we just sometimes have to bite the bullet ourselves.

End (800).

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