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Monday 15 February 2016

Points to Consider When Working on the Ego of Self-Love - (781)

Some Principles of Working on Self-Love

We come to love ourselves in the absolute way or in the correct way through the love we show others. We can use those actions of love given to others to generate love for ourselves in the correct way.

On the flip side now, the more we love ourselves through the love that others give us (relative and incorrect way) the less we love our Being.

It is our job to love ourselves and our Being, no one else’s job.

The Being and the Ego of Self-Love

When we are loved by others we forget our Being. We love our Being more when we are not loved by others.

Real love for the Being or ourselves is born from transforming the love that does not come from others into love for ourselves and our Being. We can say to ourselves, well I am not loved here, but to love really myself and that other person is not to get angry at them or to make myself feel pain by allowing myself to get upset but to go and generate love for myself, because that is our job, not anybody else’s job.

Ego of Self-Love Polarises with the Personality

The ego of self-love goes to direct love for ourselves into the personality, this is because with the ego of self-love we do not have love for the Being and so love for ourselves has to end up going somewhere and the only place that it can go if it can’t go inside is for it to go outside, that is to the external and the most external layer that is still inside of ourselves is the personality.

So that is why the ego of self-love is about love for our personality, and that is why our ego of self-love gets so upset when people do not love our family, our brother, our sister, our house, our car, our clothes, our personality, the way we walk and talk etc. etc.

Further Points on the Ego of Self-Love to Post

1.) Function of loving ourselves.

2.) The function of loving ourselves is in conditioned in relativity and duality.

3.) How is it conditioned in relativity?

4.) How is it conditioned in duality?

5.) Where and when the ego of self-love manifests.

6.) What triggers it?

7.) Compensating the lack of love from inside using the principles of balance.

8.) Self-Love is about balance.

9.) How to Love ourselves.

10.) To Love Ourselves is to love the Being and Vice Versa.

11.) Dissolving the ego of self-love step by step.

11a.) Making self-love objective.

11b.) Counteracting a hurt ego of self-love with balance.

11c.) Continue counteracting until the trapped essence understands.

11d.) Divine mother and KRIM until the trapped essence in the ego of self-love realises that her function has become redundant.

End (781).

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