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Tuesday 16 February 2016

The Path is About an Inner Ethics - (782)

Pursue an Inner Ethics

The path is an inner work as we well know. There are no physical or public awards for doing well on the path. There are no publicly known accolades here in the physical dimensions for how well one is going on the path. Internally though it is a different story. The path lives on in our inner ethics. The path gives life, purpose and direction to our inner ethics.

Life Ethics Not Enough, Inner Ethics are Needed

Everyone in life lives according to some type of ethics, though that common type of ethics is not really enough for the path and so we need an inner ethics to walk the path. The Gnostic schools with their instructors, missionaries and students do provide some sort of higher level of ethics but in the end it is all up to us to impose upon ourselves and follow a set of inner ethics that we set for ourselves based on our knowledge and understanding of the path, the work as it is and the Being as is required for the further development of the Being itself.

For example for life it is acceptable to lose the sexual energy, but for the path it is not ethical or acceptable. In many subtle ways we need to lay down a set of inner ethics for ourselves to live and act by.This ethics has to be made in accordance with the principles of the path, the work and the Being. 

Gnostic Schools Lay Down a Set Ethics

The Gnostic instructors and leaders don’t really know how one is going intimately or how one is going on the path, they can get glimpses but ultimately it is up to ourselves to know and to make improvements. We can’t follow the ethics of life, we can’t do as everyone else does because that will not allow us to progress. What is normal for people in life does not make the mark for the path, it is normal for people to strengthen and exercise the ego in life but for the path and for the work of the dissolution of the ego, this does not help us. We can do as others do in life and no one will reprimand us in life though if we do this we will not progress too far on the path.

Inner Ethics in Sexuality

Especially in the area of sexuality is where we need to follow an inner ethics set by us in accordance with the work, the path and the Being. One day I think that I will post something about the ethics in the supra-sexuality and in the practice of Alchemy as it has been taught to me.

In this area is so important to follow and inner ethics, because no one sees what we do in this area and no one can tell really if we are doing well, or not doing that well, perhaps they can glimpse something but no-one really cares to specifically inquire. If we are not doing well in this area, it affects us more than anything or anyone else.


So we need an inner ethics, an inner standard that we are constantly aspiring to and adhering to. If we make that standard or ethics: the application of effort to always transform, change and die to be ever more inline with the work, the path and the Being, we will do fine.

End (782).

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