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Wednesday 3 February 2016

The Two Forces, Good and Evil, the White and the black - (753)


There are two forces in creation and therefore in nature. There are the destructive forces and then there are the constructive forces. These two forces are also within the human being.

These two forces exist esoterically and spiritually.

Creation needs the good or constructive, evolution processes and at the same time they the destructive, invocative processes. Both processes must be present.

Origin of

The forces of evil or darkness are just the values of the light but inverted. What gave origin to these two forces Master Samael says is a very special electrical hurricane or vortex that at the predawn of creation was initiated by the Causal Logos in order to engender creation. The electrical hurricane in its action divided the protilo or pro-matter or Mulaprakriti into matter and spirit and this was the rise of duality, or the rise to the two forces in creation.

As a person distances him or herself from the Being the values become inverted and are transformed into the values of the darkness which are materialism, desire, greed, destruction etc. Here in relativity the values of the light are good.

Concept of Good and Evil

Before there was the concept of good and evil there were only the very real processes of construction or evolution and destruction or involution (devolution).

Our consciousness has become very bottled up in the concepts of good and evil.

Constant Battle

These two forces often exist in constant agitation, where both forces constantly clash and oppose.
What has been sought for time memorial is the balance of these two antagonistic forces, within the cosmos but more within the human being him or herself.

Balance of the Two

There is the balance which is in between the two opposites. The Being is not good nor bad but something beyond that. The balance is beyond these two forces, yet partakes of both. Balance is the conscious position above these two forces taking into account the truth presented from both sides.


All human beings have the light in them potentially, what we must do is to actively seek the light and make it shine. Our light is precisely in our darkness and darkness is hidden in potential in our light. If we work on the darkness we free the light and if we neglect the light and invert it, it transforms itself into darkness.

End (753).

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