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Wednesday 3 February 2016

This is Pure Gold: Karma is All About Values! The Secret of How and Why we Pay our Karma! - (752)


This post explains the secret of why we get karma and how we can pay it. It also explains what karma is all about. It turns out that karma is all about how the values relate to us in our scale of balance. Read on to understand more!


In one of the Gnostic classes that I attend last night, our marvellous missionary explained something really amazing.

He was initially speaking about karma and the values of the Being. He was explaining that the values are of the Being, this is because each ego is trapped essence and the trapped essence has a function, and that function is essentially a value. In the end because the essence belongs to the Being, the values must also belong to the Being, and what the ego really is the misuse of the values of the Being. What is important then he explained is the use that we give to the values. If we use the values in the Being and for the Being then we are on track.

He then talked about how the actions that we have done to harm others bears much more karmic weight than the actions that harm ourselves. He also said that the bulk of the causal or karmic egos that we have come from the harm that we have done to others.

After explaining that came a question (questions are really valuable sometimes) about how can we pay back the harm we have done to others to each individual person, especially given that they have even died now.

Secret of How We Get Karma

Then came the answer which was pure gold! He explained that what happens is that when we harm others, for example by betraying the trust of others we create an unbalance within ourselves in relation to the value of trust. Then as things can not remain in an unbalanced state for long there will come the time to correct that imbalance, and the way that imbalance is corrected is by taking away from the trust that we have in ourselves and in our Being. That lack of trust in ourselves and in our Being is fear.

Secret of How We Pay Karma

When we begin to suffer because of fear and we then decide to work on it and suffer in trying to dissolve it we begin to pay that debt of having betrayed, misused or abused the trust of others in the past.

When we end up restoring that trust in ourselves by having dissolved fear we end up paying all of those karmic debts for having misused, abused or betrayed the trust of others.

The way the karma for misusing the value of trust is having the trust tin ourselves taken away from us and that creates fear or is the cause of fear.

Karma is All About Values

So Karma is all about values, the karmic debts are created and paid by operating on the value. The karmic debts are created by misusing the value and the karmic debts are paid by restoring the proper use of the value, which is the use that the Being has for it, which does not harm anyone.

Applies to All the Values

This applies to all of the values. To love, trust, compassion, kindness, generosity, sexuality, justice, majesty, balance, determination, all of them that we can find trapped amongst all the egos that we have.

It could be really difficult for someone to dissolve self-love if that person has not consciously loved others in the past. When we take love from others, or abuse love or go against love we create as karma the ego of self-love, which as you probably know from all of my previous posts is love taken away from ourselves and put into others. So when we take love for ourselves and put it into our own hands we pay the debts for having harmed or have gone against love in the past.

End (752).

1 comment:

  1. I found it really worth sharing, it is my hope that it can be helpful to at least somebody out there.
