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Tuesday 1 March 2016

Different Personalities of the Same Language - (811)


I at one point thought that the personality of an American, of an Australian, of an Englishman, of an Irishman, of a Scotsman, of a Jamaican, of a Canadian and of a person from New Zealand would all be very similar. It is wasn't only after some exposure to some people from the above countries that I realised that even though we spoke the same language our personalities had their marked differences, almost as obvious as our different accents.

Same Language Different Personalities

After some reflection, it certainly does make a lot of sense that everyone that comes from a different country even though they speak the same language, must have a different personality. Just as in the case where people in the same country all have a different personality, sometimes very different and sometimes only slightly different. It all depends on the time and space and the environment in which they developed.

Why Different Personalities

Even though the language does have a large influence on the personality people of the same language have different personalities because they have created that personality in different areas or locations of space. Personality is principally based on time and space. In the example above, the time was similar for all but the space was very different.

Each country has a different history, a different development and a different series of hardships or past events that has shaped the manner and ways of being of the people. The personality that each nation has, certainly has different characteristics and qualities. Personality is a large mixture of many factors such as tradition, culture, religion, history, and even such things as natural resources, geography and natural features of the country. Even climate and weather play a part.

As these features which make up the personality are different for each nation, each nation's people must have different personality traits, tendencies and characteristics.

Australian and American Personality

Just an observation here, the Australian personality for example is more on the side to not giving an large degree of importance to being together with friends and looking out for them. There is a kind of respect that allows friends and people to go their own way, for right or for wrong. The Australian personality certainly does value mates or friends though not too much to the sentimental side of things. Where as, the Americans are very fierce when it comes to friends and co-workers, family etc. which certainly is good, there is certainly a plus side there. The American can be very sentimental when it comes to friends and the fact that one friend is not present in a meeting can be the end of the world or a big disappointment. This is easy to see in some American movies, where heaven and earth are all moved just to save one person.

This is certainly good but can be inconvenient at some point, just like the Australian personality trait, it can be good in giving people freedom but can be at times too individualistic and selfish, and a little uncaring and distant.

Many Personality Differences

If we observe carefully we can see many such differences and they all have a reason for being there. These reasons are physical and psychological and esoteric behind these first two.

In the end though, the human personality has to be dissolved to unite with the Being. Also the human personality that we have is at times a very huge problem or obstacle for the path. Sometimes it can certainly get in the way or interfere with our work on the path! This is something that we don't actually see or understand at times.

End (811).

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