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Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Hard Yarn, Will Before Consciousness - (812)

Consciousness is What we All Want

Consciousness is certainly what we all want in life, it is something magical. In that it can magically put us into the right interior state and indicate to us the right thing to do in any given event. It does not create karma, it does what is correct, it does what is balanced, it does not create suffering for the person who uses it, it dissolves pain and suffering, it shows us cause and effect and it shows us the hidden or deeper truths present in a thought, a feeling, a person’s words and an event.

So with consciousness we can displace any ego that bothers us and it provides us with the magical balm to dissolve or at least displace any desire, pain or any problem.

So it is very obvious that what we all need and all want deep down is consciousness. Realising this we can practice, investigate, ask for help and so on and so on, to get consciousness but unfortunately it just does not come to us. Sometimes this is because we need to exercise will to provide the inner circumstances that are right for our consciousness to liberate or catch or understand the new truths that will further illuminate our consciousness and transform us.

Consciousness when we have it is easy, it works like magic in us. But when we don't have it we need will to get it. But will is hard, it hurts. It hurt to apply will because there is resistance but it hurts, even if there is no psychological resistance there is resistance of the body, of the flesh.

Will Before Consciousness

In the tree of life we see that will is lower or before (seen from below) consciousness and this says it all: that we need to develop will to get the consciousness first. So when working on an ego where we want consciousness to understand and control the ego we need to make our own efforts first of all using shear will power to stop that ego in action.

The diagram below shows that our Monad is these three parts and that will or Tiphereth is before Geburah or consciousness.

Have to Use Will to Get Consciousness

Using will to stop and weaken the ego will draw the consciousness into activity so to illuminate us and give us that magical balm that allows us to act correctly.


The consciousness receives understanding or illumination when we have used our will to open the door to these new truths. This is what we don’t want at times but it has to be sometimes. The best is to accept this when it applies and use will so as not to waste more time!

End (812).

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