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Monday 7 March 2016

Fantasy Breaks the Law of Reciprocity - (814)

A Look into Fantasy

If we look into our fantasies we can quite quickly see that they are all about receiving ‘something’. Whether that ‘something’ be something psychological or something tangible or something spiritual or esoteric.

Acquired by Magic

The common theme of most fantasies is that that ‘something’ is received for free, or by a stroke of good luck or as a special gift or obtained or acquired without effort, almost by magic.

In our fantasises we have skills, powers, attributes that we don’t have right now, that is fairly normal for fantasy, but the point is that we in our fantasies leave out the major detail of how these powers, skills, abilities or money or cars or tangible things are acquired.

Fantasy is to get things for Free and Give Nothing

In other words fantasy does not want to work for anything, it would rather us not sweat, cry, work hard, pay and suffer to get the things that it fantasies about. In fact most of fantasy is about jumping over that difficult part of having to work to get what we want.

That is the real fantasy to get things for free and that is where we are out of balance and out of reality. Things don’t come for free we have to give to get. This is by the law of reciprocity. Even to have bad things happen to us we have to give out some ‘bad’ or not do ‘good’ when called for, to get the ‘bad’ thing happen to us.

Fantasy actually breaks this law of reciprocity because it wants everything for free. It does not want to give to receive.

People who want Things for Free are Dreamers

There are people in life who want everything that they can possibly get their hand for free or next to nothing. People like that are dreamers and breakers of the law of reciprocity. To think like that is really selfish and it is to also be outside of reality, because this law of reciprocity or balance is a huge and great law of life.

Well anyway people who are like this if they don’t have life slap them in the face with this reality tend to suffer a lot and what they used or took from others eventually gets taken from them later on.


We can weaken fantasy quite a lot using this key of reciprocity. We just have to tell ourselves the next time we observe a fantasy that the thing that we receive or have in a fantasy does not come for free and this is according to the law of reciprocity and balance, and having this fantasy I am really out of reality and dreaming and that I am also unbalanced and selfish thinking that I can get something for free like this. How much of a dreamer am I. Time to stop that.

End (814).

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