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Monday 7 March 2016

What the Masters have Suffered – Maybe it was the Same or More than Ours - (815)


Sometimes if I am clear enough when I am suffering I think about Master Samael and all those who have obtained their self-realisation.

We Think They Didn’t Suffer

We tend to think that they did not suffer. Maybe now having their self-realisation and no ego and no karma they don’t suffer, or who knows maybe they do on some level or in a way that we don’t know about or understand, but for sure on their way to their self-realisation they suffered. Master Samael said this many times.

Maybe They Did

Maybe they even suffered like we are suffering just now. Maybe the exact same thing that is making us suffer is also what made them suffer. Maybe the impression that is making us to be feel pain, unhappiness, sadness, emptiness etc. they also experienced and felt. Maybe they passed through the exact same thing. Maybe what we think we can not pass through or overcome they also felt that they could not overcome either.
We know though that whatever suffering they experienced they overcame it. Which is good news.

We Can Too

What they suffered they overcame and they are now complete and in their Being and in their Being there is the full and authentic happiness of Being.
So then we can do the same, maybe not as quickly but we can do the same and when we do it we will be happy, alive and complete. This may seem like mediocre motivation talk, but seriously what are the reasons why we can't overcome our own suffering, especially if we created it in the first place?

Why Can't We?

I ask why can’t we do the same? Maybe it is just that we think that we can’t. Maybe we think that because we are not Indian, Mexican or Colombian or Asian or Egyptian that we can’t do it. Maybe because we are westerners and use the computer too much or that because of this and that we can not do the same, but really what overcame suffering in the masters was their consciousness and their Being, and if we use our consciousness why can’t we do the same? Our consciousness is made up of the same material and it works in the same way.
It is all in our mind that we can not do it, the truth is that the consciousness does it and the consciousness in all of us is the same, and the consciousness has nothing to do with being oriental or western or male or female etc.

Conclusion – A State of Maintained No Suffering Exists

Because the Masters suffered and overcame their suffering, and maintained themselves free of that suffering it shows us that suffering is not the way, and that there is a truth that exists that is greater than suffering and holds one in a state of no suffering. The enlightened ones would not chose the wrong way - the way of suffering, there must be a truth that is greater and is outside of suffering.
Just to know that that state exists and that special understanding and truth that liberates and maintains us outside of suffering exists, is all that we need to know to start to work to get rid of suffering. If we know that we will be better off, and that all we have to do is to push and push until we get there or start to get there that is all we need to start to put our heart into to get there - free of our own suffering. The Masters have shown us that it exists, so it is real, non-suffering exists and if we created suffering and our consciousness undoes suffering , and we all have the same consciousness then we can do it, it is a matter of using our own consciousness, or trying and trying until our consciousness one days kicks in and gives us a huge kick of a revelation or insight that changes that suffering.
End (815).

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