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Sunday 20 March 2016

Intentions Come from the Mind or the Heart - (828)


It is a very good moment when we discover that our intentions to work on ourselves or to practice come from our mind.

This is a very good moment because now we can understand why we fail in those intentions. It suddenly all makes sense as to why we have had the good idea of changing or stopping a bad habit and then we end up after a week or less giving up on the idea only to fail again.

Only when we realize that this or other intentions come from the mind can we begin to change that situation and break the cycle of new intention and then failure. The ideal is to always to come from and work from the heart. The solution and a large part of the work is moving the work from the mind to the heart.

Before we do this there is usually a battle between the mind and the heart and this battling is really very taxing.

From Mind to Heart

When intentions are born in the mind and do not go to the heart there is not enough genuine force or motivation to give a lasting support to the work of fulfilling the intention. This is because the mind does not have as much force as the heart and also because the heart is more intimate and is more us than the mind.

The mind is very changeable while the heart is not like that. A thing that is in the mind can be forgotten and displaced by another thing, though what enters and lives in the heart is not displaced or forgotten and definitely does not disappear.

Battle of Mind against Mind

When our intentions come from the mind we end up in a battle of one part of the mind against another. We want to fulfil our intention but then resistance appears, of which the mind plays a major part.

As soon as we formulate our intention and try to act upon it, there is resistance that struggles against this intention. After the struggles comes failure and then there is the mind again lashing ourselves for having failed. This cycle can go on for years.

To stop this cycle we have to be very sincere with ourselves and delve deep into our psychological depths and ask ourselves if that intention is really something that we want to fulfill. Look for the heart to answer.

Constant interiorisation and constant focusing on the intention helps us to transfer it to the heart. Mind you for something to be transferred to the heart it has to be goof and just. This is because the heart won’t accept something corrupt and wrong.


We have to always move our intentions from the mind to heart where consistency, permanence and integration is conferred to us in relation to fulfilling that intention. These are the qualities of the heart and we have to put our intentions into our heart.

When things are in our heart we become unstoppable in trying to achieving them. It is very difficult to get dissuaded and all obstacle are eventually overcome. The big battle is to get the intention to enter into our heart. But once there, we are rewarded with focus and a line of achievements to occur in time is laid down before our eyes.

End (828).

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