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Monday 21 March 2016

Why it is Difficult to Realise that we are Many? - (829)


The following text comes from a documentary made by a Gnostic institution that quotes Gurdjieff explaining why it is difficult for the human being to realise that he or she is many rather than one.

Gurdjieff Explains

“Before it all, man must know that he doesn't have a single, permanent and immutable ‘I’. Before it all, man must know that he is not one and always the same but that he is many. This idea is difficult to assimilate, but fundamental to a correct interior work. In reality, there isn't a psychological unity in man. There is neither one centre of command nor a unique ‘I’ or permanent ego.

What creates the idea of unity or integrity in man is partially the sensation of his physical body, partially his name that doesn't usually change and lastly his mechanical immutable habits implanted in him by education or acquired by imitation.

By always having the same physical sensations, always being called by the same name , finding himself with the same habits and inclinations that he has always known, he imagines to remain and be always the same. However, the man as we know changes continuously, in one moment he is one and in the next he's another, later a third one and so on and so forth.”


In summary it is the same physical sensations, the same name and the same habits that make the human being think or believe that he or she is always the same that is has just one ‘I”.

End (829).

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