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Thursday 7 April 2016

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 1 - (859)

What’s Wrong with these People that are Always Touching?

There is something odd with men that touch and touch their girlfriends, partners, finance’s, wives and even other women.

Lust or Fear

It is certainly something instinctive, whether that instinctive part be to do with lust or be to do with fear. Both of these two factors have a strong instinctive component.

If Fear

If it is fear, such a person touches and touches as if to say “I am here, look at me I am loving you, I am giving you tenderness, a beautiful thing, a virtue, my heart through this touch, my love… so please love me back!”.

The fear involved is the fear of not being loved. The touching person wants to be loved and is scared of not being 'loved' or losing 'love' that he touches and touches thinking that that is the way to get love or make sure to himself that there is love there and it is not going away or getting less.

Really in such a case it is that the man wants to be loved but does not want really to love back. He thinks that he does but really he wants to be loved more than to love the other.

How is this true you may ask, because to love the other means to give respect and freedom and space to the other that you are trying to love. Is love to make the other person into a toy, an object, a trophy or a piano?

It is a pretty hard hit, but just think about it, I had to face something similar one day and it was that way that I wanted to be loved more than to love. Then I changed because I realised I was not really loving. But to say to another you are not loving is a big insult or is too much to say.

To be continued…

End (859).

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