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Friday 8 April 2016

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 2 - (860)

Fear is not Love

How do we know that we are doing things out of fear? That is very easy, because we get angry when our touches etc. are not reciprocated, acknowledged or appreciated We get very angry when they are rejected. When we observe this we can be very sure that we are doing it because we want to be loved and we are trying to fill some insecurity gap or some other gap in us.

The basic belief is that “we should be loved by having our touches reciprocated”. Is this is really true, maybe we can be loved in a different way, people after all show love in many different ways and plus a woman may really not like being touched all the time because it makes her to feel as if she is a toy or an object of possession, which she certainly is not! She is a human being, equal to a man!

Women May not Like Being Touched All the Time

Of course they don’t. Which woman does? It spells out to anybody that something is wrong with the man, who is always touching, either he is very lustful or very scared but basically it spells out that he wants something and doing it for a hidden reason or that he is very needy, and women don’t like needy men, they would rather like a man who is responsible and bale to take care of them when needed. A needy man does not offer that prospect or possibility.

Sometimes these touchy men are romantic, sensitive and considerate, controlling and overbearing but are not strong enough to bring the support and work to hold everything up in the home, in the work and in the many other aspects involved in a couple’s life.

What? A Man can Never Touch a Lady?

Of course one can and many people very advanced in the work do very respectfully touch their wives, for sure that can be seen. However it is not all the time and it is careful and thoughtful and respectful and never overbearing, and of course there is no fear or lust behind it, doing it for vested interests. It is to add a touch of love to the person for a moment without the expectation of it being returned.

End (860).

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