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Friday 8 April 2016

A Woman is not a Piano! Part 3 - (861)

Continuing On…

If Lust

I think that this is worse than fear. However both can be rectified by the understanding of respect for the other person and the awareness of what one is doing.

If it is lust that is touching it is doing so to satisfy its very instinctive desires and holy moly after the first few touches what more is there for that ego to want. It is a very morbid ego then.

However, lust works with the emotions and it is uses the touches as an attempt to get close and intimate to the person. So to bring them closer to him, to link the person closer to him so to secure his position and control.

Such a Man will be a Disaster in Alchemy

Can you imagine such a man being naked and naked with his wife about to practice the Alchemy, with his sexual apparatus fully activated. That man will not be able to cope. If he has that tendency to always touch then with those added powerful impressions of himself and his wife naked and his own sexual force in activity he won’t be able to control anything because he has never before exercised any control. Such a man is headed for disaster in the Alchemical practice.

Alchemy is for Alchemists not Romantics

Some people think that Alchemy is romantic, chocolate, perfumes, candles, loving embraces, kisses and all that, but really it is more about thinking on the Being, offering the practice to the Being and working for the Being. These other things are added extras that are not the central point at all of the practice.


A woman is not a piano nor a toy nor an object to be possessed nor a trophy or a show piece. A man should respect a lady and discipline and train himself to be an Alchemist starting with the small details in the relationship and in his will, thinking, emotions and actions. An Alchemist is different to a loving romantic type who is dependent and thinks of kisses and hugs and feels horrified if there is not a kiss or a hug in the practice of Alchemy.

End (861).

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