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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Direct Thoughts Toward Ecstasy in the Being While Transmuting - (865)


Transmuting and fornication are two opposites.

People focus or direct their thoughts into matter or in other words circumstances and people during arousal of the sexual centre because it is to leads them to feel pleasure, namely pleasure of the senses.

Joy of the Sexual Centre

A function of the sexual centre and the sexual energy is to generate joy (Master Samael says that it is a legitimate joy) and well-being and so if people direct their thoughts and focus towards the heights in themselves, that is towards the Real Being in themselves they may arrive at a feeling of mystical ecstasy instead of the carnal pleasure of the senses.

People Seek Sexual Joy through Activity

People seek sexual activity to feel the pleasure of the sexual energy and they must get pleasure because that is one function of the sexual energy but because their focus is towards the senses they usually get the pleasure of the psychology of lust and the pleasure of the senses.

A Great Truth and Lesson is Learnt

What happens though after this pleasure goes is that a great truth emerges and a great lesson can be learnt.

Usually afterwards what is most felt and what prevails is the remorse of it all. Though why I ask should there be remorse if there was pleasure? There is remorse because the pleasure that was felt was at the expense of the truer nature of the sexual energy. Where the truer nature of the sexual energy is something ethical and spiritual. When the ethical centres of the human being are pleased when the sexual joy is felt there is no remorse.


Such experiences teach or can teach people if they reflected deeply enough about the truer nature of the sexual energy. It is very much like money. We can waste it on silly things that do nothing for us, we can do that no problem, no one will stop us, though that is not what money is really for . Money is there as a means to acquire that which we need and that which will embellish us or make us a bit happier or our life easier. The sexual energy is the same thing. The real truer use of it is a spiritual one! The common experience of people proves this over and over again.

End (865).

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