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Thursday 14 April 2016

The Personality does not Love - (866)

What do you Think?

What do you think? Does the personality of a human being love or not?

Course Not!

It is the essence is a human being that really loves. Certainly not the personality.

We know that the ego can appear to love when its interests are being pleased, and as the egos are the main ingredients of the personality how can the personality really love?

Similar Personalities and Different Personalities

Similar personalities don’t love either. They get along, because there are not clashes or very little clashes in personality.


Different personalities clash a lot and there we can see that there is not love there. Personality has a certain set of functions to fulfil and love is not one of them. But being polite, agreeable and considerate can be one of them but love is a different story all together. It is belongs to the essence, the human soul and the Real Being.

End (866).

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