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Monday 4 April 2016

Guardian Angel in our Spinal Column Returns the Energy Transmuted with Negative Thought - (853)

Transmuting with Negative Thoughts

If we transmute the sexual energy and we are concentrated on the Being in us we cause the transmuted energy to rise up the various semi-etheric semi physical channels into the brain. However, when we are thinking lustfully or about something else, the raw energy converted into vapour does rise, though a very special atomic guardian angel located at the top of our spinal chord rejects the energy tainted with negative thought and sends it back down the spinal chord to the coccyx.

Rejected Energy Clashes with the Coccyx

This energy as it moves downwards clashes with the coccyx and creates a shock which gradually if it is repeated often causes the serpent to awaken and descend downwardly as the kundabuffer. Then the kundalini instead of working positively and for the light it works powerfully in us strengthening the ego and working for the dark.

Also getting very closer to losing the sexual energy and even losing the energy but without losing it physically because one with will power and the help of the closing all the sphincters etc. and tightening up the muscles also starts to awaken and develop the kundabuffer.


So we have to be very careful when we transmute, the best is to concentrate on the Being in us. Chant the mantras for transmutation and yearn for the Being in you.

End (853).

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